torsdag 14 mars 2013

The Almost Ubiquituos Pheasant Tail Nymph

PT Nymph With A Tiny Tungsten Bead

          This is a PT Nymph with a tiny copper colored tungsten bead. The tungsten bead makes the nymph get pretty deep quick to get down to the trout or grayling that stay deep in the beginning of the season. As you can see the bead although adding pretty much weight doesn't alter the slim profile of the nymph. Since the nymph as the adult of LDO or Baetis Rhodani can change a lot between waters it can be a good idea to have some variations of those flies. The colors of the nymph can go from light green olive to pretty dark reddish brown, hence the variants of PT can also come in handy when the LDO nymph is present but there is no surface feeding. Almost all the baetis nymphs can be represented by slight variations of the original Pheasant Tail nymph and naturally the original of course. Well that's about it for this time so until the next post ...

Kind Greetings,
Mats Olsson


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