lördag 12 januari 2013


USD Midge

          The first thing that I thought of was the footprint the fly would make in the surface of the water. I first made a prototype without tail since midges doesn't have tails like mayflies have. When looking at the prototype (kind of hard to try it out now during winter here in Sweden) I realized that, to set down correctly in the water, it needed a tail. Hence the fly above. Another key attractor is the wings so I made them a little longer. Finally it had to be able to ride on the water without touching it with anything than the feet (the legs of hackle). The following picture shows that it really works.

          So at least in theory this fly should work as expected. I'm eagerly awaiting the spring to be able to try it out and see if it needs any modifications. That's all for now. Until next post ...

          Hope you enjoyed the post. Any questions or reflections just give a comment since they're always welcome.

Kind regards,
Mats Olsson

4 kommentarer:

  1. Great work.
    I'll bet the profile on the water is awesome.

  2. Hi Alan!

    Thanks for your comment! Time will tell if there is something that needs to be corrected. By the way, I managed to post your flies yesterday so they should be on the way. Hope you like them.

    Your friend in Sweden,
    Mats Olsson

  3. I really like the legs! Great fly!

  4. Hi Nate!

    Thanks! Longing for the time when I can try it out.

    Have fun,
    Mats Olsson


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