torsdag 12 januari 2012

A Medium Sized Rainbow Trout With A Story

A Medium Sized Rainbow Trout With A Story

Yours truly with a medium sized Rainbow Trout with it's own story. As you can understand this was a while ago  :-) . I had waded out to my favorite rock (I have spent long but delightful hours standing on that rock; not only delightful though because I almost disappeared from the map falling off that rock once) from where I knew that there was a nice trout feeding just within reach from there. My memory from it has degraded to bits and pieces now, but there are some interesting things that I still remember. First of all this was at a driving distance of at the most 10 minutes from where I lived at that time. So I was listening to the river. Reading it like a book. Becoming a friend with this stretch of the river Ljusnan. Something most of the fishing people don't do. They HAVE TO drive for hours to some water they are not familiar with just because others have told them to. It's not driving far that makes me react (I've done the same myself) but rather that it has become a HAVE TO. Lots of people that I know are TRAPPED in that behaviour. I need to be close to the water all the time and hence I mostly fish close to my home. For me it's natural that to be a good fly fisher, (this is a matter of interpretation but I think it's pretty obvious what I'm referring to by the context) one has to live in harmony with the nature and especially with the water and the living things that inhabit that water or live close to it. It might be a stretch of a river or a lake - harmony with the living things that surrounds us is inevitable to fully (to the limit we can) enjoy fly fishing. I'm expressing my opinion now but it isn't so easy to convey the true impression of what I want to say (one reason to that is that english isn't my language by birth - it's the "horrible swedish" -that is my language by birth - like foreigners here in Sweden might say). I think though that the idea will get clear by pondering over it for a while. OK now it's time to get back to the rock (but since it's 1.50 AM now (local time) I have to call it a day, although it's night, despite the fact that I'm a night owl, I have to rest) but that will be slightly postponed.

In the meantime have fun with your FF and FT,

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